Expat Hausfraus Gone Wild

So what do we former career women/trailing spouses do all day long while the bread-winning husbands are off working hard?

Yesterday was margarita afternoon at Jill‘s house. There was homemade guacamole, chips and salsa, and a heavy-handed bartender (that would be Ali).

We all ooohed and aaahed over the view from Jill’s apartment. We briefly considered mooning the tourists in the park across the river, but apparently we didn’t have quite enough tequila in us to follow-though on that one.

Ashley and newcomer Global Librarian were also in attendance. The revelry went on until Jill’s husband came home from work and crashed the party. At least we left him a little bit of tequila…

9 thoughts on “Expat Hausfraus Gone Wild”

  1. Wow! Sounds like fun. I got all excited when I read you title. Then I remembered that I am not an Expat Hausfrau, merely a Hausfrau. Sigh. BTW–Thanks for visiting my blog!

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