22 thoughts on “Signs you may be in the Bible Belt”

  1. I can look past the british spelling of offence, but the real offense is the use of ‘a’ instead of ‘an’ as the article for adultery.

  2. Interestingly, the adultery rate is something like 30-40% (Most certainly above 22%), so adulterers are apparently even LESS likely to commit murder than a faithful person. Whoever wrote that particular piece of propaganda failed statistics!

  3. I didn’t think I was in the Bible belt, but on the bus the other day I saw a woman wearing an “I *heart* Jesus” head scarf — in English (like those socks…).

  4. Great post. I really need to start bringing my camera with me more often. As someone unfortunate enough to actually live in the bible belt, I see this sort of thing every day.

  5. I thought at first the bumper sticker said, “yo mama was pro-life, Darwin”, suggesting that Darwin should have been aborted. I’m sure someone out there has a sticker like that.

    No More Mr. Nice Guy!

  6. OMG. These collections of Bible Beltisms are killing me. Better than the phonetic menu at the Chinese restaurant.

    If only they could craft a sentence that wasn’t rife with grammatical errors.

  7. Scott, you are braver than I. We considered going into those religious megastores, but were afraid it’d be too creepy. That, or we’d die in convulsive fits of laughter right there on the spot…

  8. the biggest mistake in american history was not letting the south secede. the red states contribute nothing of any real value to america – culturally, economically, or technologically. they’re dead weight and I for one am sick of carrying the leeches. all they do is hold us back by putting anti-science christian supremacist politicians in office, sabotaging our ability to be the leaders n scientific research we should be, and start idiotic wars of aggression.

    even worse, the economies of the bible belt / red states are based on tax subsidies from liberal and progressive coastal states. alaska, for instance, gets more then $2 in federal spending for every dollar they contribute while california gets less then $0.75 back. and then fuckers like palin have the gall to say people in urban coastal states aren’t “real americans” and say we’re socialists. hah! when her entire state depends on subsidies from us!

    we’d have been better off letting them seceed. or, since it’s a bit too late for that now, seceding ourselves and leaving them to fend for themselves.

  9. ANONYMOUS WROTE:”the biggest mistake in american history was not letting the south secede. the red states contribute nothing of any real value to america – culturally, economically, or technologically. they’re dead weight and I for one am sick of carrying the leeches. all they do is hold us back by putting anti-science christian supremacist politicians in office, sabotaging our ability to be the leaders n scientific research we should be, and start idiotic wars of aggression……”

    You don’t honestly believe that hate you are spewing do you? Making statements like this serves no purpose and helps no one. I truly hope you are not as ignorant as you appear. Lastly if you are going to post something like this have the guts to sign it.

  10. “Bible thumping men”? It must be nice to live in a world where only men are adulterers so they’re easier to hate.

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