Trams vs. Mariachis, round two

This commercial has started playing before movies in theaters around Zurich:


A little background, for those who are not up-to-date on the Zurich Public Transport (VBZ) vs. Mariachis saga: Back in early 2006, Zurich officially banned mariachis from trams with this sign. After numerous protests from individuals and the Mexican consulate, the signs were replaced a few months later. VBZ was out a little money, and had looked a little foolish. And it appeared that the issue was dead.

But apparently someone at the VBZ loves ethnic stereotypes of Mexicans sooooo much that they just couldn’t resist revisiting the topic with this brand new commercial (which, despite how it may seem, is not inviting mariachis to start performing on trams. The VBZ is still firmly against buskers of all ethnicities.) The Mexican consulate is investigating.

What do you think: offensive stereotyping or good clean mariachi fun?

9 thoughts on “Trams vs. Mariachis, round two”

  1. Wow, I had no idea about this! My family is from Jalisco the home of the mariachi, though I’ve lived almost all my life in San Francisco, and am moving to Rome… so to hear this my first question was “there are Mariachis in Zurich trams?”. Yet, once I hit play I actually found the video offensive, are they really playing this? is it such a big deal? Unbelievable…

    Yesterday I saw an Italian music video, and their take on mariachis is in a very good light, so I’m amazed how people’s opinions range from pole to pole, ah! life is!

  2. The VBZ should take a side trip to Rome where mariachis play randomly in front of Italian restaurants.

    I don’t get it, and frankly it seems kind of strange.

  3. So bizarre. I had mariachis under my windows playing at the restaurant, but only once, then they mysteriously disappeared. We get the accordion players around here. The mariachi graphic from the tram is a little ridiculous though; I can see why it was replaced, although the replacement is still dumb IMHO. Why not just write “no street musicians” or something? Not like the street musicians are going to pay any attention. Plus, who really enforces that?

    I don’t get the text on the commerical though: what did the VBZ do, shorten the length between stops to deter musicians from playing on board? Maybe I’m missing something.

  4. I kind of wish Zurich had some roving mariachis. I’ve never seen any here. I’m trying to think if I’ve ever seen a single street musician anywhere in CH…

    Shelley – I think the point is that there are so many convenient stops that there’s not even time for the street musicians to play a song? Or something.

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