Sion song

We spent the day before the cow fights in Sion, a lovely little Valais city not far from Martigny. The main attractions (beyond the charming downtown walking district) are multiple picturesque hilltop castles which overlook the city. Gluttons for punishment that we are, we hiked up to two castles (one of which is technically a church… shhhh, don’t tell the word police). The views of the city and the distant snow-capped Alps were enough to bring a tear to your eye and make you a tiny bit sad you were about to move away from Switzerland.

And then we headed back down into the city to sample copious amounts of the local wine.

3 thoughts on “Sion song”

  1. Alas, I am really, really bad at remembering the names of wines I try (with the exception of the rare wine that really dazzles me).

    I generally drink whites, and most of the whites I tried this trip were too sweet for my preferences. But I’ll put Cornalin on my list to try next time. 🙂

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