Two days in Vegas

Before Christmas in New York (and after skiing in Montana), we spent a couple days on the Las Vegas strip. Being the kitsch aficionado that I am, naturally I have an affinity for this city (and here you thought I was all about sophistimicated high-culture destinations in Europe). How can you not love a street … Read more

Christmas in New York

Hi there. This week I’m in New York City, one of my favorite places to spend Christmas. I’m a couple trips behind on my blogging, but here are a few New York Christmas photos to keep you entertained until I have a chance to catch up. Merry Christmas, if you’re into that kind of thing. … Read more

Montana skiing, take two

Better snow, warmer air, more fleece clothing – we had a good day of skiing at Bridger Bowl yesterday (even though it didn’t end with anything fried on a stick).

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Montana

I’ve learned there’s a key difference between skiing in the Swiss Alps and skiing in Montana: ambient temperature. I had no idea how good we had it in Switzerland, where we could ski on perfect snow in little more than an unzipped ski jacket for most of the season. Not the case in Red Lodge, … Read more

Bozeman, Montana: me likey

Still in Montana, having a fabulous time. We spent a day in Bozeman, which I found to be an absolutely charming little town. Not to outdo the NYT guy, but we covered quite a lot of ground during our short visit: Lunch at Pickle Barrel, a famous Montana chain of sandwich shops. I kind of … Read more

Greetings from Yellowstone

Where in the world am I today? It’s getting hard to keep track… I’m several blog posts behind, but I figured I’d share a couple photos from the last couple days in Yellowstone National Park (that’s in Montana and Wyoming, just in case you were wondering). It has been crazy freaky cold, but we’re having … Read more

What Europe needs more of: microbrews

Sure, plenty of good beers come from Europe. But my favorites tend to be ales, and the continent just doesn’t make many of those (this is one of the reasons I’m sad we won’t be moving to Ireland). But here in the northwest United States, microbrews are everywhere. The variety is staggering. And delightful. Bars … Read more

Storm chasing on the Oregon coast

Greetings from Oregon. We spent the last couple days on the very stormy Oregon coast. We had a blast playing on the beach in the wind, rain, and foam showers (which looked like big chunks of snow). The wind was so strong and constant you could lean back into it and take a nap. I … Read more