Hailstorm in the veggie garden

Yesterday afternoon I looked on helplessly as euro-sized hail pelted my delicate vegetable garden for a good 10 minutes. Deciding against running outside and using my body to shield the plants, instead I stayed in and photographed the action.

I’m happy to report everyone seems to have survived intact, although there are a few tattered leaves here and there.

Speaking of the vegetable garden, it is still coming along beautifully. We have been dining on zucchini blossoms prepared every which way (stuffed, fried, on pasta, in risotto…) for weeks now, and they just keep coming. We’ve even let a few of them grow into delicate, tender 6-inch long zucchini, which have also been lovely. The leaf lettuce is delicious, as is the arugula. And strawberries! At least a few each day. This garden thing is seriously fun.

The pea plants are blossoming, as are the rest of the bell pepper plants. The tomato plants are covered with tiny little green tomatoes and clusters of yellow flowers. Judging from their numbers, we should be rolling in tomatoes in about a month. I can’t wait.

And Felice? He was delicious.

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