The answers to your most pressing search questions, revealed!

Like any good blogger, I obsessively monitor occasionally look to see how visitors come to find their way to my humble little website. The google searches, in particular, are always good for a bit of fun. I can only guess what the searchers were really hoping to find, but here are a few stabs at answering their queries (feel free to offer your own answers/interpretations in the comments):

american wear dirndl to oktoberfest
Yes, even Americans wear dirndls to Oktoberfest. If you want to buy one for yourself, make it one like this, so the rest of us can laugh at you can fit in.

Japanese peeing
Nope, the Japanese don’t pee. It’s a genetic thing.
Call me naive, but I still don’t get what these people are looking for. (I can only assume it’s not a post about Japanese toilets.) Photos? Videos? And why Japanese? Are they more interesting pee-ers than, say, the Sri Lankans or the Swiss?

famous non-American people
Sorry, there are no non-Americans worth mentioning. All the famous people are indeed from the good old US of A.
This tickles me so very much. As if all folks from all other countries are indeed described using the term “non-American”. As in, Gandhi, the famous non-American spiritual leader of a country which is not America…

pray the gay away t-shirt
Oh yes, I sell those. Actually they say, “I prayed the gay away! Ask me how.” I will also be happy to pray your gay away for a small donation (damn, I really need to get me a PayPal Donate button…).

whore in regensburg
(must… resist… urge… to… link… to… Regensburg… expat… Ah, screw it.)
Sorry, you have the wrong blog. You must be looking for Cliff.

naked man pictures
Ha! Good luck finding those on the internet!

10 thoughts on “The answers to your most pressing search questions, revealed!”

  1. Hi, I clicked on your helpful link and found: Olympia-Sommerfest. Can you please tell me what it is about because the site’s in German. I’ll be in Munich on August 24 and would love to attend that festival. Thank you.

  2. Bluefish – the site calls it a ‘celebration of the birthday of the Olympia park’. There are rides, all kinds of carnival stalls (food, etc.), fireworks, live music, and… now this is just a guess… but there will probably be lots of beer, too. 🙂 There is a Fest in this city every 5 minutes, it seems!

  3. Naked men are easy to find on the internet. Finding ones you don’t need a credit card to see, well, that’s another story. Goddamn NetNanny!

    By the way, can I say naked men a few more times so this page gets lots of hits? Naked man naked man naked man. You’re welcome.

  4. That is awesome. I was going to post something like that next week. I am getting some strange searches coming to my site as well! I love the naked one too!

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