The home stretch

This Oktoberfest business is seriously exhausting! I’ve spent 6 of the past 11 days at the Wies’n, and I’m planning to go at least one more time. I’m going to need a vacation once this is all over.

The other night we had dinner at the Käfer tent, one of the smaller tents at the Wies’n. Käfer is a well-known gourmet shop and restaurant in Munich, and the fare at their Oktoberfest tent is similarly pricey and delicious. Despite the fancy-schmanciness of the tent, the evening still involved plenty of giant steins of beer and dancing on the benches to ridiculous live music.

Apparently my bedirndled friends and I were looking particularly adorable all sitting in a row, because strangers kept coming by and taking our pictures. It was kind of like being extremely minor celebrities.

What else? My least favorite day was last Saturday, the most crowded day of “Italian weekend”. Normally I would have never attempted to go on the busiest day of Oktoberfest, but we had friends in town just for the weekend and gosh darn it I was determined to get them into a tent. We woke up ridiculously early and were standing in line waiting outside the Löwenbräu* tent at 8:30 AM. The doors finally opened at 8:45 (after the lion let out a big roar), and we scrambled to find a spot for our group. We were downing our first liter of beer before 9:30. Breakfast of champions. The atmosphere couldn’t have been more different than that at the Käfer tent. The crowds were insane. I headed home rather early, but not before our fancy Maβ-holding contest.

It’s not like I’ve been drinking non-stop this whole time… I’ve also gone on a couple rides here and there. There are three roller coasters and a dozen or so other rides interspersed between the stands selling sausages and gingerbread hearts on strings. Who decided that big, stomach-churning rides would go well with giant steins of beer?

Overall I’m enjoying Oktoberfest more than I expected to. I mean, not the puke in random doorways all over the city, or the roving bands of drunken tourists, but the rest of it has proven to be pretty darn fun. Who would have thought?

* I know what you’re thinking, but here in Germany Löwenbräu is not the same cheap crappy beer that it is in the US. I have no idea why that is.

13 thoughts on “The home stretch”

  1. I’m sorry saturday was your least fave day – but i am glad you are overall enjoying things!

    – JOke

  2. i got the impression this was as if swimming under water and wondered when you would be able to come up for air…glad you have managed to survive! i probably would have run for the hills….

  3. Until recently Löwenbräu USA was brewed under license by Miller with a different taste. Now it’s the original Löwenbräu again (imported from Germany), but the bad reputation lasts.
    Munich beerdrinkers don’t like Löwenbräu either; it’s called “Lätschenbräu” (bavarian “lätscherd” = dull, boring).

  4. When is Oktoberfest officially over, not just your part in it? I’m surprised that things sound like they are winding up already (it’s only October 2)?

  5. Dave – hard to believe, but tomorrow (October 5th) is the last day. What did I spend my time doing before Oktoberfest, I wonder?

    Lulu – yes, detox will be a must! No more beer or pretzels for a long while…

    Deborah – that’s a good analogy. Except instead of water, think beer. 🙂

    Corregio – thanks for the info. I’m going to have to find a way to work ‘Lätschenbräu’ into a conversation.

  6. You know you’re the first person that’s made me ctually want to go to Oktoberfest! Your posts are so funny and informative. Glad you’re enjoying your time there. Perhaps I’ll make it down next year from Berlin.


  7. Look at you, Ms. Hardcore Drinking German Woman! I know the REAL reason you’ve attended Oktoberfest so often…you want a good excuse to wear your awesome dress as much as possible!!! 🙂

  8. It’s true, I did enjoy wearing the dirndl. But now that it’s back in the closet, I’m enjoying the fact that my boobies are back under wraps. They were starting to feel a little over-exposed. 🙂

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