Berlin: big city Christmas lights

Christmas in Berlin

This year we kicked of the Christmas market season in Berlin, where I fell in love with the market in front of the Rotes Rathaus

Christmas stars

The stalls at Christmas markets sell more or less the same stuff wherever you are in Germany, but this market was distinctly Berliner thanks to its location, nestled between several of Berlin’s most well-known landmarks, all lit-up and festive-looking.

Rotes Rathaus and Neptune Fountain

There was a donut-shaped ice skating rink around the Neptune Fountain, with skating music ranging from classical to Christmas kitsch.

Christmas in Berlin, with TV Tower

What’s that, flying through the air in front of the Marienkirche, headed towards the TV Tower? Why, it’s Santa! Plus a woman suspended in a little cloud-shaped basket underneath the sleigh. I’m guessing she was naughty this year.

Have you heard the one about the polar bear and the zamboni?

Knut the world-famous polar bear isn’t so cute now that he’s all grown up. To counter-act the drop in visitors he attracts, the Berlin zoo has made him get a job to earn his keep.

Bavarian ferris wheel, Berliner Christmas market

We’re pretty sure this is the Oktoberfest ferris wheel. Eh, it looks pretty, too.


4 thoughts on “Berlin: big city Christmas lights”

  1. Here from ICLW, your blog is fascinating! I used to live in London and we went to Munich for Octoberfest, and yeah, that does look like the Ferris Wheel we saw there. Berlin looks really cool, we haven’t made it there yet. Someday!!

  2. i have never been to berlin would love to go ! it looks absolutely stunning. if i ever do go there i will have to make sure its around christmas time by the looks of your pictures

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