Fun in Bavaria

We spent last weekend in Landshut, Germany, a small town about 45 minutes northeast of Munich (like all Americans, I measure distance in hours and minutes). We went to see our friend and her new baby, who were visiting relatives there. I’m usually not all that enthralled with babies, but this one was particularly cute. … Read more

Look, those are clouds down there

Yesterday we went skiing in Flumserberg, which is less than an hour away from home. With slopes that close to home, how can you not learn how to ski? When we left Zurich in the morning, it was overcast. As we drove up the mountain, it got worse. I was dreading the thought of trying … Read more

Frogs: stuffed, posed, and accessorized

Last Sunday we drove with some friends from Geneva to Estavayer-le-Lac, a small town in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. This journey was motivated by my friend Alison’s and my burning desire to see a bunch of dead frogs that had been lovingly gutted (through the mouth), stuffed with sand, and posed in scenes from … Read more

Bloggity bloggity

Why am I doing this again? I blame everyone I’ve ever met who has a blog for making me want to have one too. Seriously, a blog? Suddenly I’m even nerdier than my husband the computer nerd. Ha. Ha ha.