Aaaaaah… Italia

How in the world is it that we hadn’t been back to Italy a single time since moving away over a year ago? We have no good excuse – Milan (our former home) is a mere three hours away by train. We don’t even have to change (changing trains in Italy might be considered a valid reason not to go). And the tickets aren’t even expensive. I’m very disappointed in us.

Anyway, we finally reached the point where we could do without real Italian food no longer, so here we are. All I can think is, wow, how did we stay away for so long? The gorgeous architecture, the insanely delicious food, the interesting shops, the gelato, the espresso…. Zurich seems so bland and sterile in comparison. (Shhhh… don’t tell Zurich I said that.) It’s good to be back.

7 thoughts on “Aaaaaah… Italia”

  1. Boo…is Zurich really boring and bland? Jon and I are trying to change job positions and move to Zurich next summer. Neuchatel is beautiful, but a bit too small. however, I don’t want to move somewhere bland! this is not good sign 🙂

  2. Hi, do you might have some good adresses from Outlets in Milan? I used to have a list but I lost it… Kind regards from a Duch Expat from Bern, Natasja

  3. TBF – Nope, not what I mean at all. I am really into the “buffala”, though…

    Jessica – Nah, Zurich’s not all that bad. It just looks bland in comparison to a large, bustling, ornate Italian city (but then again, most cities do).

    Natasja – Sorry, can’t help you there. Here’s my shocking confession: when I lived in Milan, I did all my clothes shopping on trips back to the US. Really.

  4. “It’s good to be back.”

    How funny…we are actually now back in Switzerland after having been in Italy and I thought it was good to be back in Switzerland! What can I say…I am just absolutely in love with Switzerland. 🙂

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