Hey you bloggers in and around Switzerland!

The Big Finn, Sara and I have organized a blogger meet-up in Basel for January 14th. Bloggers in and around Switzerland are welcome to join us and bring spouses, family, friends, etc. More details can be found in this post on TBF’s BB.

If you’re interested in coming, let us know (by, say, leaving a comment on this post or sending me an email). We need to get an approximate head count so that we have enough space reserved for everyone. I think we’re up to at least 20 or so people already, and we don’t even have a name yet.

Which reminds me, if you can think up a name for our big Swiss blogger meet-up, let us know that too. TBF is favoring SExBOMB (Swiss Expat Bloggers Out to Meet in Basel, which, for the record, I came up with), but we’re thinking perhaps we should come up with something more… wholesome. Because we’re nothing if not a thoroughly wholesome group of bloggers.

12 thoughts on “Hey you bloggers in and around Switzerland!”

  1. Sorry…forgot to give you credit for the SExBOMB thing.
    Barry came up with B.U.M.S. – Bloggers United Meeting in Switzerland, which I kind of like. If we ever meet in Zurich, it could be B.U.M.Z.

  2. Hi there
    Im a swiss expat blogger too! I am afraid I cant make the meet up (flying to the states with work that day) but would love to keep in touch.


  3. SExBUFFALO was my original thought, but I thought the SEx was being dropped off the name due to potential stalker problems.

    BTW…Sara claims on her blog that she came up with SExBOMB. Not trying to stir things up or anything…

  4. I would love to visit Switzerland again one day (I was there for a few days in August 2004, visiting a friend in Geneva when I was doing a college semester abroad in Amsterdam).

    Although, if I did come for a visit, I probably wouldn’t ski! I’ve never done it before. I fear that I would continually fall on my behind SEx-y behind! 🙂

  5. Hi MBNSL – we’re actually thinking of meeting up for a happy hour next Tuesday somewhere in Zurich. I’ll post the details when we get them worked out…

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