Ohmygod ohmygod can it be? Jon Stewart in my house?

Normally I think people who blog about TV are stupid bores, but this news is too exciting to ignore: not only is Germany about to get Comedy Central, but they will be broadcasting The Daily Show every single day!

[Yes, I know, we don’t live in Germany, but all our culture (read: TV and music) comes from there, so sometimes we might as well.]

This is monumental for us expats. It’s more important, in terms of Things Expats Miss About The US, than when my local grocery store in eastern Germany started carrying salsa. Or when I started being able to access the New York Times online (yeah, I’ve been an expat for a looooong time). Or when Ali discovered where you can buy ice by the bag in Zurich.

The Daily Show is pretty much the only televised version of the news I’m willing to watch in today’s world. And I love Jon Stewart so much that I even watched the Oscars this year just to get a little more of him (favorite quote: “For those of you keeping score, that’s Martin Scorsese, zero Oscars, Three-six Mafia, one Oscar”).

According to the article, they will be showing an edited version of The Daily Show here (taking out things that are too “US-centric”), but hey, it’s a step up from our current situation, which consists of a weekly version of The Daily Show International on CNN (a channel I usually try to avoid) and all the Motherload we can watch over our disappointingly slow internet connection. But we all know what beggars can’t be…

5 thoughts on “Ohmygod ohmygod can it be? Jon Stewart in my house?”

  1. I am so jealous! We get Jon via More Four from NTL digital cable, but they just stick random episodes on. Today was Dec. 11… not Jan. 2…

  2. Two words for you — “Sling Box”

    Purchase a Sling Box for around US$200. Find a friend or family member with great cable options and fast wireless internet. Pay for an extra DVR in their home (one not attached to a tv). Connect the Sling Box, download the software on your computer and record any American tv show your heart desires. Watch it from your computer anywhere in the world.

    My husband cannot live with access to Cleveland pro games. I crave the Sopranos and the Closer…

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