Dear restaurateurs of Munich,

Please stop using Flash on your websites. It’s a pain in the ass. I come to your site to check out your menu and find out where you’re located, not to watch a multimedia presentation extravaganza that bogs down my computer. And if it takes me more than one click to get to your address, you’re doing something very, very wrong.

Otherwise, keep up the good work. I’m especially impressed by the number of vegetarian offerings you have that involve actual vegetables, rather than just potatoes and cheese.



(photo: super yummy vegetarian sushi at Prinz Myshkin, which is one of my favorite restaurants ever despite their website)

8 thoughts on “Dear restaurateurs of Munich,”

  1. Is that the mixed sushi? (i checked out they web site – yeah. everything you said.) If it is, it’s nowhere near as expensive as I thought it would be.

  2. I had no idea vegetarian sushi had the same effect on other people, too. 🙂

    BB – yes! I think everyone I know has sent it to me. That was a cool article. Actually, I think I should blog about it…

  3. i saw that in person just the other day! the fried tofu that i got to steal off the plate were so good. mmmmmmm

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