The old city ring party

As part of the summer-long celebration of Munich’s 850th birthday, the middle of the city was taken over this weekend for the Altstadtringfest. Despite the crowds and weather which alternated between oppressively hot and torrential downpour, we had a pretty good time sampling the offerings. And we saw a lot. A robot parade. A glorified science fair. Singing lesbians. A guy in a chicken suit riding a mechanical bull soccer ball. Concerts. Singing mechanical puppets.

My favorite event was the midnight acrobat show at Odeonsplatz last night. It was kind of a cross between De La Guarda and Cirque du Soleil, with a bunch of Bavarian history tossed in. The woman running up and down one of the towers of the Theatinerkirche was absolutely breathtaking. None of the photos of her turned out, but Scott took a great video I’ll try to post sooner or later.

Today we took the opportunity to take our new tracht out for a spin (and silly us, forgot to have someone take a picture of us – but we did take a photo when we got home). There were plenty of other dirndls and lederhosen to see out and about, too, which I noticed only because we were dressed the way we were. You know how when you get a new car and then suddenly notice people driving that kind of car everywhere? Tracht is the same way.

5 thoughts on “The old city ring party”

  1. I like how your pictures show the actual event for which headbang8 -Deutschland über Elvis – had posted shots of the rehearsal. Nicely done, Jul.

  2. Master Right and I wimped out and watched the München Revue on TV. Which seemed like a good call, given that the 9.30 performance was drenched by almost continuous rain. Kudos for braving the elements. It seems like the experience of being amongst it all showed the astonishing scale of what was happening, which one missed on TV.

    I’m trying to think of a joke to crack about the tracht, but frankly, can’t. You and Scott actually look quite splendid

  3. Thanks, Ian. You know, I’m thinking I deserve some sort of investigative blogging award for not wussing out of the rain…

    Headbang – At midnight there was drizzle and an announcement that they would wait and start at 0.30 (and then a big groan from the crowd). Despite the waiting and elements, it was pretty fabulous to see.

    Wow, given your disdain for tracht, I’m honored. Surely you’ll think of a joke or two before you see us in it in person…

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