Oh la la! Beaujolais Nouveau!

Last night we went to a Beaujolais Nouveau party. Beaujolais Nouveau, of course, is a crappy French wine with a brilliant marketing strategy. What to do? Our wine is so crappy zat no one wants to buy it. We cannot possibly compete with ze other fine French wines. I’ve got it! Let’s use a little reverse psychology. Get people excited about, um, our wine’s freshness. Zat’s it! We will pretend it is supposed to taste zat way! And have a big party to celebrate ze new shit every year!

And party the people do. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. I love a good excuse for a party. The invitation for this particular one came with the instruction to wear a French detail. Like a beret. Or a mustache. Or a picket sign. Or…. a Camembert cheese hat?

9 thoughts on “Oh la la! Beaujolais Nouveau!”

  1. Headbang – I will keep that in mind if anyone ever offers me some fresh sake.

    Misschris – I wish we had taken more! I missed some of the other great French details…

  2. Ha ha! I don’t drink wine myself but my husband does and he came home with 5 bottles of the stuff the other day, just like every year. I really don’t see the attraction because I’ve tasted it and…meh. I guess it’s the “limited time only!” factor since the stuff starts going off after a couple of weeks.

    Word verification: squersh – very grape-like!

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